DZ 42-3

The DZ 42-3 decontamination tent is the most frequently used option today for decontaminating a large number of contaminated persons (mass casualty). The DZ 42-3 decontamination tent is a 3-line system which is divided into 9 cabins by two longitudinal partitions and 2 transverse partitions:

  • 3 dressing areas
  • 3 shower areas
  • 3 undressing areas


  • Line 1 for uninjured females
  • Line 2 for injured lying persons
  • Line 3 for uninjured males

Shower areas 1 and 3 are each equipped with 5 jets and a hand shower with a spiral hose.
Shower area 2 is equipped with 2 hand showers with a spiral hose.
All shower areas are combined in a decon tub, which can be removed separately if required.
The DZ 42-3 decon tent has a complete inner tent that can be removed and cleaned separately. The fact that the inner tent and decon tub can be removed means that the tent is multifunctional and can also be used as an assembly point for casualties or as a command tent.

The DZ 42-3 decon tent can of course also be supplied in a 2-line version.

technical details

Length7,0o m
Width6,0o m
Side height2,20 m
Ridge height2,80 m
Number of lining areas3
Number of shower areas3
Number of decon tubs1
Number of dressing areas3
Number of hand showers4
Number of strands2 x 5 pieces
Weight200 kg
Water system connection on both sidesStoz D